hi! We are emily & Molly at fox and the moon & we provide RESPONSIVE & HOLISTIC INFANT SLEEP, feeding and reflux SUPPORT & EDUCATION

Help your child sleep better, and get the rest you need.

We have a range of courses and 1-2-1 support packages to help with anything from an unsettled, reflux baby to those pesky toddler bedtime battles. We got you!

 Broken nights, tearful days and angry moments. Sleep deprivation is a lot

- and it's so tough when your gut tells you something isn’t right with your baby, toddler or child’s sleep. I get it. As a mum myself, I know how unbelievably desperate you can feel.

That's why Fox and The Moon exists.

  • Empowering you

    To trust your gut and listen to your instinct - it's powerful.

  • Educating you

    To understand the reason behind your child's sleep challenges.

  • Supporting you

    To make gentle sleep changes that are right for you & your family.

 Rested & Happy Families


The Baby Sleep Sessions

The Baby Sleep Sessions with Fox & The Moon Sleep.

This podcast aims to answer as many of your burning questions about your little ones sleep. What’s normal? How can I move away from co-sleeping? How can I help my baby with reflux? And SO much more.

Between us we are Qualified Holistic Sleep Coaches, Infant Feeding Specialists, Maternity Nurses and Mothers! We interview our past clients and real families on their sleep challenges and help them overcome them so that you can too!

We hope this podcast will give parents everywhere practical and tangible answers and solutions to the problems they are facing. Waving goodbye to 2am Google and MumsNet sessions.